Calibration gas cylinders

In order to be sure of the quality of your gas detection devices measurements, we offer a range of calibration gas cylinders. The calibration principle of a gas detector is quite simple and easy to understand. Indeed, it consists on periodically injecting a known concentration of calibration gas – usually closed to the alarm thresholds of the device – directly to the gas detection sensors of the instrument. We store a large number of calibration gas cylinders that for the following equipment: toxic gas detectors, combustible gas detectors, freon gas detectors (refrigerant gas), electronic breathalyzers, modified atmosphere analyzers (MAP) and so on. Calibration gas cylinders can also be used to perform bump tests and periodical maintenance of your gas equipment.

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Available calibration gases and gaseous mixtures:

We offer a very large range or almost fifty calibration gases with several concentrations in order to meet even the most specific requirements. In addition, we also propose gas mixtures and pure gas cylinders that are particularly well suited for laboratories and research centers. These gaseous mixtures have very low concentrations and can be composed by 2, 3, 4 or 5 different gases. See all of our available gas mixtures

Composition of the calibration gas cylinders:

All of our calibration gas cylinders are gravimetrically mixed in order to ensure an outstanding accuracy of concentrations. They are all fully compliant with the ISO6142 standard. Mixtures are especially made to meet the requirements of the different gas detection sensor technologies:

Catalytic sensors require an oxygen (O2) concentration over 10% to operate. Combustible gases are associated to air in order to not damage the gas detection sensor and above all to avoid false measurements.

All of our refrigerant gas (freon) range is also mixed with air (at 20.9% of oxygen) as the semiconductor gas detection sensors need over 18% of oxygen to get an accurate calibration.

Lastly, most of our toxic gases are associated to nitrogen. Indeed, as this gas is neutral, it does not cause interferences with target gases. In this particular case, the electrochemical sensor can be very accurately calibrated.

Available calibration gas cylinder accessories:

In addition to our large range of calibration gas cylinders, we also offer many accessories such as flow regulators (manual or on demand) especially made of non-corrosive materials for certain gases. We also distribute a complete range of soft or rigid carrying cases that allow users to easily carry calibration gas cylinders, offering convenient use in applications and situations where mobility is essential.

Added to this, we have a large stock of the most commonly asked calibration gases in order to provide our customers fast delivery worldwide. Specific gas mixtures that suit your most demanding requirements can also be done upon request in order to provide you unique products.

Our calibration gas cylinders are provided with a conformity certificate and are all controlled before being shipped in order to get traceability and to meet regulatory requirements.