Legal notice

Hereafter you will find legal notices according to the French law n°2004-275 for confidence in the digital economy:

EDITOR website is edited by the GAZDETECT LLC company with a capital of 100,000 € whom head office is based in ZAE - 3 Rue des Fossés - 77240 VERT-SAINT-DENIS - France. Its SIRET number is 501 777 486 00025 and this company is registered in the Trade and Companies Register under number 501 777 486 RCS MELUN.

The GAZDETECT company is liable for VAT and is identified under number FR 43 501777486 in accordance with article 286 ter from the General Tax Code.
- Phone: +33(0)1 83 99 00 99
- Fax: +33 (0)1 60 66 15 87
- E-mail: OR


The website publishing manager is Didier COLLIN.
The website editorial manager is Didier COLLIN.

HOST website is hosted by FAST-MAGE (Fasteo) company, whom head office is based in Zone Technopole Izarbel - Bâtiment Estia 2 - 64210 Bidart - France. Its SIRET number is 791 862 154 00014, and this company is registered in the Trade and Companies Register under number 1 791 862 154 RCS Bayonne.

- Phone: +33 (0)8 05 69 01 25
- Fax: +33 (0)9 72 15 08 95
- E-mail:


The general structure from, as well as texts, graphics, pictures, sounds and videos including in the website are the property of GAZDETECT company. All reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission or publication, even partial, of these various elements is strictly forbidden without the prior written consent from the GAZDETECT company. This representation or reproduction, by any means, constitutes an infringement sanctioned by articles L.3335-2 and following from the French intellectual property code. Failure to comply with this interdiction may incur the perpetrator’s civil or criminal liability. Furthermore, owners of copied contents could take legal action against you.


According to the French law on data processing and liberties 78-17 from 6th January 1978 modified, you have the right to oppose (art. 38), access (art. 39), rectify or remove (art. 40) data that concern you. You can exercise this right by contacting GAZDETECT.

This right can be applied upon proof of identity:
- By post : ZAE - 3, rue des Fossés - 77240 - VERT-SAINT-DENIS, France
- By email:

Every collected personal data is processed with the most strict confidentiality. GAZDETECT is commited to particularly respect the privacy of emails sent through an electronic mail.

The website also uses cookies. Hereafter is the list of those we are using and their description:


Name of the cookie :      Description :
CART  The link with your cart
CATEGORY_INFO  Stores in the "Shop" category information on the page that allow fast display of pages
COMPARE  Compares your articles in the product list
CURRENCY  Your preferred currency
CUSTOMER  Encrypted version of your customer ID with the shop
CUSTOMER_AUTH  Indicates if you are currently logged in the shop
CUSTOMER_INFO  A version of the encrypted customer group you belong to/td>
CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_IDS  Registers customer ID
EXTERNAL_NO_CACHE  A flag indicates if the cache is disabled or not
FRONTEND  YOUR ID session on the server
LAST_CATEGORY  Your last visited category
LAST_PRODUCT  The most recent product you’ve seen
NEWMESSAGE  Indicates if a new message has been received
NO_CACHE  Indicates if the message is authorized to use the cache
RECENTLYCOMPARED  Articles you recently compared
STF  Information on products you emailed friends
STORE  The shop view or the language you’ve selected
USER_ALLOWED_SAVE_COOKIE  Indicates if a customer has the right to use cookies 
VIEWED_PRODUCT_IDS  Products you recently visited


Once again, no personal data will be collected for commercial reason, email address exchange or other external marketing operation.

TERMS OF USE website is operated in compliance with the French legislation. Using this website is regulated by current general conditions. By using this website, you acknowledge having had notification of these conditions and accepted them. These could be modified at any time and without prior notice by the company. GAZDETECT cannot be held as responsible for improper use of the service.


Any downloaded content is done at the user’s own risk and under its own responsability. As a consequence, GAZDETECT could not be held as liable for any damage to the user’s computer or any loss of data following the download.


GAZDETECT is committed to implement any mean to ensure reliable information and reliable upgrade of its websites. Yet, errors or omissions can occur. User can then suggest any modification he or she thinks would be helpful through email by describing the issue as detailed as possible. GAZDETECT is not responsible for the use of this information and any direct or indirect prejudice that may result.


All of our conditions are described on the dedicated page:



GAZDETECT remains at your disposal for any comment, suggestions or question.

You can contact us by e-mail at: OR